Review                        Test #1


Types/classes              object              property           property value




Name 4 tools we have used and for each list 2 properties of that tool.(no duplicates)



When identifying an object which property of the object do we refer to.



Prefix names of objects.          txtFirstName, lblResult, btnAdd          etc…



Name vs Text Property           

eg. We want the name of the button to be btnClick but we want the user to see the caption click on the button.

name property is btnClick

Text property is Click


The code that gets implemented when a button is clicked is found within Sub


SizeMode = StretchImage


Visible property = true or false


To put an arrow icon on a button you would add the icon to ______ property(image)


Assignment operator assigns the value on the right side to the left


x =x + 1


val() functions conver the text rendition of a number and converts it into a true numeric value.


Variables containers that hold values.

Different types of variables hold different types of values.


Strings             text

Integers            whole numbers

Doubles           decimal numbers


Combining two variables and assigning them to a third variable

In the case of strings this is called concatenation.


Hungarian/Camel notation-join these words


Write the line of code that takes the text property of a textbox name txtName and assigns it to a string called firstName


When assigning values to to strings, text is written in quotes.


String variables vs String literal.


Introducing a line break        Chr(13) & Chr(10)


Assign it to a Strng variable…we have been using the term wrap

Dim wrap as String

wrap =  Chr(13) & Chr(10)


Input Box


Consolidating the Variables by Concatenation

I give you diagram you create code.


Scope        local variables vs global variables

