creation: 6/26/99 (using AWT); revisions: 01/26/00; major revision: 01/09/02 (using Swing)

Day 13-2— Buttons and Action Events

We have been doing event-driven programing. The three parts of a GUI application are:

  1. Components that make up the Graphical User Interface. <—— we've done this; this chapter will do more.
  2. Listener methods that receive the events and respond to them. <—— we've done this; this chapter will do more.
  3. Application methods that does useful work for the user. <—— we've not done this, yet.

Soon we will get to the third step, and you will actually write a full GUI application! But not yet. This chapter continues the discussion on how to add button components to a frame, and how the actionPerformed() can tell which button was clicked.

Chapter Topics:


What is the name of the method that receives ActionEvents when a button is clicked?