Becker Library
This is the most important download. It's a file named becker.jar that contains
.class files necessary to run the robot programs contained in the textbook.
The library requires JDK 1.3.1 or higher to run.
Click here to download the library. Download Library
Your browser should ask you if you want to save it on your own computer (you
do). Save it in a place where it can stay for a while. Suggestions: the same
folder where your Java IDE (an Integrated Development Environment such as JCreator
or JBuilder) is installed or a directory set aside for all of your Java programs.
In the Configure menu, choose Options.
In the dialog box that opens, click on JDK Profiles in the list on left.
A list of one or more JDK profiles should appear on the right side of the dialog
box. Select on the one you want to use (must be JDK 1.3.1 or higher). Click
on the Edit button.
Click on the Classes tab. Then click on the Add button. A drop-down menu will
appear with Add Path... and Add Archive.... You want to add an archive.
In the dialog box that appears, find and select the becker.jar file you just
downloaded. Click Open.
Click OK twice to exit the configuration dialog box.
This download is documentation for the provided library. Downloading it is optional.
The same information is available here and from the Robots home page.
Robot Class Documentation(zipped file). Download
Your browser will ask you to save the file ( on your hard disk. Unzip it into a folder. Open the file index.html in your web browser to view the documentation.
This download contains examples from the textbook. Downloading it is optional.
Examples(zipped file). Download
Your browser will ask you to save the file ( on your hard disk. Unzip it into a folder and explore it.